The implementation of the SAP Business ByDesign solution in cooperation with the user is carried out by b4b consultants.
In addition to knowing the functionality of SAP Business ByDesign solutions, the key value that b4b brings to users is top expert knowledge and real business experience in each of the business areas covered by SAP Business ByDesign.
b4b is the only SAP partner for the implementation of SAP Business ByDesign in Croatia.
Specialists in Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Procurement, Warehousing, Production, Sales, Distribution, Service Network, Human Resources, Project Management, Analytics and Reporting, when implementing solutions with the user work to improve business processes and operational practices in the company, and in cases complete absence of certain business processes are working on their establishment.
The entire process reengineering is based on the process scenarios implemented in SAP Business ByDesign.
Each implementation ends with detailed education about the processes and work in the SAP Business ByDesign solution.